Obstacle Avoiding Car Without Servo - L298n

 Obstacle Avoiding Car Without Servo - L298n


How to make this with L293d : Click Here

Materials :-

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  • Arduino board
  • Ultrasonic Sensor
  • Switch
  • L298n Motor Driver
  • Jumper Wires
  • 3.7v Battery Holder 
  • 18650 Battery
  • BO Motor

Circuit Connection :-

l298n To Arduino board:-

IN1 - 8
IN2 - 9
IN3 - 10
IN4 - 11
12v - Battery( + )
GNG to Battery ( - ) & Arduino GND
5v - Arduino 5v PIN

Ultrasonic Sensor To Arduino:-

Vcc - 5v
ECHO - 2
TRIG - 3

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